This last 6 months has been a big experiment, finding out what I can accomplish with my miniature pottery making facilities, and working out countless bugs. As this newest pottery was reaching completion, I realized I did not have room to start making more new pottery. When I pulled everything out of every nook and cranny in the pumphouse, I was surprised by the variety and quantity.
When Geri and I set up everything in the sun early Saturday morning, the display really came together with a rich color pallette and a strong, diverse selection. We have had an enthusiastic clientele in Santa Rosa and Sebastopol since 2004, and they really turned out both days. Sunday afternoon, we left with about half of what we started with, so we are now well caught up on our bills. For our next outing, a couple of months from now, we expect to visit Santa Clara and Oakland. I will let you know when our plans firm up.
For the new workshop, we still have several challenging dead trees to fell. We will be picking up our new cement mixer this week, and digging the footings a little deeper. I hope to have footage of pouring concrete for my next update. I can take orders for most of my repertoire, 9" and less in diameter. There is still plenty of time to deliver before the new year.
Below is a slideshow of display highlights from both days. Everything we brought home is now on the online store, about 100 pieces. Most older pottery is gone, and there is plenty of brand new stuff from June and July.